$GLUU had a great ER in my opinion with the next quarter set to be even better. Odd thing thought... the stock price drop quite a bit during the session of even more in the after hours. I'm still holding my 2nd position as I feel this will turn around once the ER is digested and new investors discover the company.
Tomorrow's session should be very interesting.

Welcome to my blog!
I've worn many hats during my entrepreneurial journey, including writing and creating whiteboard videos, marketing, investor relations (Blurbeo), owning and managing my own vapor pen brand (TouchESubject), servicing the real estate market and other clients as the CEO of Puget Sound Field Inspections, founded CLV Investments LLC, and currently holding a position with Byte Me LLC as a Digital Marketing Consultant.
This blog was originally started as a way for me to track my progress in trading stocks, but it's has since morphed into much more. I now use it as a window into what I'm doing to reach my goal of financial freedom. You're going to see what I'm doing to create multiple streams of income, articles and interviews that are business related or featuring other entrepreneurs, and most importantly you're going to get to know me and hopefully I can inspire you to pursue your own dreams
I'm a very driven individual with a passion for customer service and improving our communities.
Please feel free to connect. I'd love to do business with you.
This blog was originally started as a way for me to track my progress in trading stocks, but it's has since morphed into much more. I now use it as a window into what I'm doing to reach my goal of financial freedom. You're going to see what I'm doing to create multiple streams of income, articles and interviews that are business related or featuring other entrepreneurs, and most importantly you're going to get to know me and hopefully I can inspire you to pursue your own dreams
I'm a very driven individual with a passion for customer service and improving our communities.
Please feel free to connect. I'd love to do business with you.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
2009: Timothy Sykes Interviews a Stock Promoter
I was doing to research and stumbled across this video series from 2009 with Timothy Sykes interviewing a stock promoter from CollegeStock.com. A ton of interesting info on the world of stock promotions. Video 3 for some reason doesn't come up in the add video part of Blogger so please use the link.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Saturday, July 26, 2014
EOD Update 07-24-14
$GLUU climbed for a large chunk of the day but fell near the EOD with a final closing in the green with $7.17. But I think the more note-worthy bit of the trading day actually came from the after hours trades. Someone bought 500,000 shares at $.7.17 and then someone bought 151,834 shares at $7.19.
Friday, July 25, 2014
When YOU Breath Success!
Life has been so stressful for Stacey and I... and from different directions. It's 8:30 and I'm still up. Not because I'm not tired. Not because I don't want to crawl into bed with my wife and 3 year old son. Not because I just downed an AMP! It's because I "HATE" where we are financially. I "HATE" juggling bills and stressing over the stupidest crap. I "HATE" depending on the gov to support my family... I'm up because I WANT success as much as I want to breath! Blurbeo is going to work. My writing is going to work. I WILL PULL US OUT. Watch me! ha. Enjoy the vid. :)
EOD Update 07-24-14
$GLUU took another hit to the stock price and stayed in the red with a close of $7.00 flat. Most of the people following the stock on StockTwits seemed to favor the idea that it was a profit taking issue. I'm still thinking that the price will hit the $9 to $10 mark at or shortly after the ER. I'll be pulling the trigger on my position shortly after ER and moving on to another trade. My gut tells me that this trade will not stay at the higher mark and will likely pull back once the ER and new game dust settles.
Also, a quick update on the affiliate marketing landing page. The domain is set up and working as a forwarding page and I'm already showing 6 unique hits since early Thursday morning. Fingers crossing I can get at least one conversion out of it. Just one will more than pay for the domain.
Just looking at the math of it... 6 hits in 24hrs
6 x 7 days in a week = 42 hits a week
42 x 4 weeks a month = 168 hits a month
168 x 12 months a year = 2,016 a year.
So, if just one person out of 2,016 sign up I've made money without any work. Thanks Tim!
Also, a quick update on the affiliate marketing landing page. The domain is set up and working as a forwarding page and I'm already showing 6 unique hits since early Thursday morning. Fingers crossing I can get at least one conversion out of it. Just one will more than pay for the domain.
Just looking at the math of it... 6 hits in 24hrs
6 x 7 days in a week = 42 hits a week
42 x 4 weeks a month = 168 hits a month
168 x 12 months a year = 2,016 a year.
So, if just one person out of 2,016 sign up I've made money without any work. Thanks Tim!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Affiliate Marketing
I'm not a huge fan of blogs and websites that overdo the advertising. It takes away from the feel of the site and hurts the overall experience.
That's why I tend to use affiliate links that are embedded within the posts and just a couple of ads on the site.
Out of curiosity I decided to play around with domain names while renewing www.Blurbeo.com for my whiteboard business and I found that TimothySykes.co was available for only $6.95 a year. I quickly checked Tim's site visits with compete.com and found that in June his site had roughly 46,000 unique visitors. I'm betting that I can scalp a few hundred visitors who accidentally leave out the "m" in .com. I've set up the domain as a forwarding page to my affiliate page for Tim on Profit.ly. Maybe I can create a small income stream from it.
EOD Update 07-23-14: Trailing Stop Triggered
Today was another wild day for $GLUU and we saw a pretty large mid-day dip that pulled us all the way down to $6.67 a share. This of course pulled the trigger on my trailing stop with my 1st position's 8% stop and killed the trade @ $7.00.
I'm a little bummed because the stock recovered as it likely would and now my position for the ER is a little over half the size. But I can't get too mad since the stop did it's job and locked in profits of 15.70% gains!!!
It'll be fun to tally up the wins and losses from the last couple of trades and see where my account is sitting. I liquidated the other stocks I had in the IRA and will be trading with a full capital. This will allow me to trade with $300 to $400 positions and have enough to cover an 8% trailing stop from the get go... no freeride waiting time. Also, when factoring the commission per trade I'll only need 4% to 5% gains to break even vs trading with $100 to $200 positions were a near 20% gain is needed to cover commissions. With swing trades, a 4% to 5% gain is a lot easier to see and 6%+ gains over the course of 3 to 10 days is likely.
I'm a little bummed because the stock recovered as it likely would and now my position for the ER is a little over half the size. But I can't get too mad since the stop did it's job and locked in profits of 15.70% gains!!!
It'll be fun to tally up the wins and losses from the last couple of trades and see where my account is sitting. I liquidated the other stocks I had in the IRA and will be trading with a full capital. This will allow me to trade with $300 to $400 positions and have enough to cover an 8% trailing stop from the get go... no freeride waiting time. Also, when factoring the commission per trade I'll only need 4% to 5% gains to break even vs trading with $100 to $200 positions were a near 20% gain is needed to cover commissions. With swing trades, a 4% to 5% gain is a lot easier to see and 6%+ gains over the course of 3 to 10 days is likely.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
A New Day and What I'm Watching
Yesterday was a pretty wild ride for $GLUU with the stock mostly sticking to a sideways pattern. Most likely due to profit taking and the calm before the storm that is ER! Their games are still holding strong and funds are flowing... no, reword, gushing into their company from advertising revenue. ER is going to be huge and I'm glad I added to my position. Hopefully the gains from this trade counter act the two losses that I've taken from $WTSL and $WPCS. I've liquidated the last two stocks in the IRA and will likely add to the position more if the funds settle in time and a good pullback presents itself. I still am maintaining the 8% trailing stop on this move but depending on the reaction of the stock post ER and the social reaction on StockTwits I may pull the trigger and take profits after the dust starts to settle and well before the 8%.
While looking for pennies on Sunday/Monday I came across an article that was written by a stock promotion pr company "TomorrowsBlueChips.com" and saw that the stock in question had risen over 300%! I started to dig around on the TBC site and found a list of clients on their disclaimer page. All of the clients are sub-pennies on the OTC which I'm very leery on trading with. But that said, something on the list caught my eye. $TEMN has paid huge amounts for a promotion that doesn't seem to really have taken place yet.
Since May 22, 2014
$13,400.00 in cash
27,000 common stock
9 million restricted shares
TBC has written a handful of articles since being paid and I've found a few tweets but nothing on a large pr push you'd expect to see with that type of compensation. So what gives? I sent an email to Timothy Sykes via Profit.ly and explained what I'd found and asked what he thought... Tim seems really good about getting back to you if you have an actual question. He's responded twice now!
From Tim: "Don't try to guess a pump's success based on paid pumping, wait for volume/% gains to show you they mean business, lots of failed pumps out there"
I also found this on InvestorHub by Nabbbss
TEMN -- Top_Shelf_Brands is REAL and EXCITING, because...
This information, CUMULATIVELY, cries-out for a Stock that SHOULD BE...
..and IMO...WILL BE Priced at $0.10+ by 2014's end.
1. Registration Update with OTC/PinkSheets. Done.
2. Registration Update with Nevada Secretary of State. Done.
3. Financials Filed for 2012 and 2013 with OTC/PinkSheets. Done.
4. Attorney Letter has been Filed, to accompany and legitimize Financials. Done.
5. Retention of top-caliber Houston Law Firm -- Sonfield & Sonfield. Done.
6. Qualification and Securing of a $5-Million Credit Line/Line-of-Credit (LOC). Done.
7. Authorized Shares (A/S) REDUCED from 5-Billion to just 2-Billion. Done.
8. OTC/PinkSheets rating Upgraded all the way from "CE" to "Current" status. Done.
9. Company Website in development and nearing (they never really reach) completion.http://www.drinktopshelf.com Done.
10. Selection and retention of a new Transfer Agent (T/A). Done.
11. Name change in the works, accompanied by proper documentation. Name change
Approved/Implemented June 2, 2014. Done.
12. Application for a new Ticker Symbol, accompanied by proper documentation. Done.
13. The Company has Launched an Investor Relations (IR) Website, to maximize transparency. Done.
14. Top Shelf Brands Holdings Corp. (formerly TEMN) has completed
negotiations, terms, and conditions, and has Officially Acquired Dziaq Liqueur
and Besado Tequila as the first two Co. Brands -- including the Transfer
of all their Trademark Rights to the Company (Top Shelf)! Done.
And YET! ...YET the Stock-Price STILL has not hit $.01 (one Cent)! ...TO BE Done!
This information, CUMULATIVELY, cries-out for a Stock that SHOULD BE...
..and IMO...WILL BE Priced at $0.10+ by 2014's end.
1. Registration Update with OTC/PinkSheets. Done.
2. Registration Update with Nevada Secretary of State. Done.
3. Financials Filed for 2012 and 2013 with OTC/PinkSheets. Done.
4. Attorney Letter has been Filed, to accompany and legitimize Financials. Done.
5. Retention of top-caliber Houston Law Firm -- Sonfield & Sonfield. Done.
6. Qualification and Securing of a $5-Million Credit Line/Line-of-Credit (LOC). Done.
7. Authorized Shares (A/S) REDUCED from 5-Billion to just 2-Billion. Done.
8. OTC/PinkSheets rating Upgraded all the way from "CE" to "Current" status. Done.
9. Company Website in development and nearing (they never really reach) completion.http://www.drinktopshelf.com Done.
10. Selection and retention of a new Transfer Agent (T/A). Done.
11. Name change in the works, accompanied by proper documentation. Name change
Approved/Implemented June 2, 2014. Done.
12. Application for a new Ticker Symbol, accompanied by proper documentation. Done.
13. The Company has Launched an Investor Relations (IR) Website, to maximize transparency. Done.
14. Top Shelf Brands Holdings Corp. (formerly TEMN) has completed
negotiations, terms, and conditions, and has Officially Acquired Dziaq Liqueur
and Besado Tequila as the first two Co. Brands -- including the Transfer
of all their Trademark Rights to the Company (Top Shelf)! Done.
And YET! ...YET the Stock-Price STILL has not hit $.01 (one Cent)! ...TO BE Done!
So with all that said, I'm going to watch this one and if it seems like the pump is being turned on and volume starts to increase a great deal I'll go long on it with a small position.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
07-22-14 Buying the Dip
$GLUU dipped at the open and I decided to follow suite with several other traders on StockTwits and add to my position with an additional 33 shares. The stock has continued to be in a steady uptrend and the company's products are doing awesome. Also ER is only 7 days away with positive financial highly likely. Social trend is suggesting at least a $10 stock shortly after ER or sooner.
Monday, July 21, 2014
EOD update for 07-21-14 12% REALIZED GAINS
$GLUU shot up at the open and closed with a nice gain of 10% @ 7.47 a share. Even if we see a dip this week prior to ER we will likely see continued gains as their two latest games are doing so well. The only regret I have is not having a bigger position on this one :)
With my 8% trailing stop in place I'm still seeing the climb as the stock grows, and I'm now sitting on 12% realized gains even if GLUU tanked tomorrow.
On the 1 month chart GLUU shows a 73%+ gain... imagine if I had gotten on board at the beginning and was sitting on 65% realized gains! Awesome!
Stay tuned. More to come.
With my 8% trailing stop in place I'm still seeing the climb as the stock grows, and I'm now sitting on 12% realized gains even if GLUU tanked tomorrow.
On the 1 month chart GLUU shows a 73%+ gain... imagine if I had gotten on board at the beginning and was sitting on 65% realized gains! Awesome!
Stay tuned. More to come.
Friday, July 18, 2014
EOD Update 07-17-14: Out of WPCS
One of the things you can count on within the market is that you can't count on it. It's fluid... almost a living breathing thing... and as such will be effected by the world around it. Today's airline crash acted as a catalylist for all of the major indexes to go red. Of course, my positions followed suit.
Both $WPCS and $GLUU ended without gains, but the tougher market session really brought out the true colors of both positions.
WPCS collapsed with a closing of $0.65 @ -15.57% but I took the lifting of the free ride rule and cut losses early @ $0.721 a share. I say early as in the day, but it wasn't not early in my position and the free ride rule caused another gouge in my capital.
First with $WTSL and now WPCS, I'm going to change the strategy a bit with my positions. I've been using all of the capital per trade and looking to swing past the free ride rule. The logic being that I can grab more shares and have better gains... I'm dealing with such a small amount of capital that I must take into account the effect of my trade fees and how they take away from profits. But doing so has caused me to not use the golden rule in trading "Cut Losses Quickly". So with that said, I'm going to only use 40% of my capital per trade with allows me 60% in reserve to cover my trailing stop.
Speaking of trailing stop, my TS of 8% that I've placed on my position in GLUU kept me in the position through today's volatility. Even with the down market today GLUU proved to be strong and ended the day without a loss or a gain. The bears just couldn't win today.
Providing the markets go green again I'm suspecting that we'll see high prices before the early ER.
On a side note. I'm watching $RIC as a possible momentum trade once the GLUU position closes.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Pumpers, pumpers, pumpers
Here's a great example of why everyone should be careful when looking into pennies. One of the several promotion email lists I'm on (PennyStockProphet) just sent out an email about $DPSM urging people to "research" the stock for today's session. While one may see a gain if they ride the pump early and get out, the risk is high. I've never traded anything on the lists I get, but may short them at some point in the future.
Oh yeah... check out part of their disclaimer!
$16,500.00 to pump a stock? I'm in the wrong business haha.
Oh yeah... check out part of their disclaimer!
$16,500.00 to pump a stock? I'm in the wrong business haha.
"Disclaimer: (Please Read)
PennyStockProphet.com (PSP) is engaged in the business of marketing and advertising companies. All content in this communication is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities.
Never invest in any stock featured on the PSP website or email alerts unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. Many of the s t o c k s featured are highly speculative. PennyStockProphet has been compensated Sixteen Thousand-Five-Hundred Dollars by a third party Stockchat LLC, for this profile coverage of 3D Pioneer Systems Inc (DPSM). We do not own any shares of DPSM."
How High Will it Pump?
While looking up press releases I came across this penny OTC with a crazy gain... funny because not that long ago the major media outlets were writing about a pump & dump and how baffled they were that a stock shot up 1,000%+ ... guess what? It happens all of the time. The only true questions are "how high will it pump?" and "when will it dump?"
EOD Update for 07-15-14
Both positions saw gains today. $GLUU climbed to $6.49 @ 1.72% and $WPCS climbed to $0.78 @ 5.38%. I'm still under on the WPCS position and I'm awaiting any news from today's share holder meeting. So far it has been very hush hush with the company not releasing any pr on it.
On a side note, $VPLM which I mentioned on Monday as a stock I was watching just as a learning experience saw an increase of 11.11% today with a close of $0.25. I'm continuing to watch the stock and seeing if any other news hits the wires.
On a side note, $VPLM which I mentioned on Monday as a stock I was watching just as a learning experience saw an increase of 11.11% today with a close of $0.25. I'm continuing to watch the stock and seeing if any other news hits the wires.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Applying Oliver Velez to GLUU & WPCS
I've had the chance to watch several videos of Oliver Velez speaking about trading. The guy is good, there's no denying that.
In one of the videos I watched he talks about when to buy and the "Picture of Power" which consists of a stock that has its candles above the 20ema and the 20ema above the 200ema.
I decided to apply that to my two current trades and this is what I got.
![]() |
5 day 15 minute chart |
$GLUU could be right out of his video with the candles above the 20, the 20 above the 200. That's good news for this stock.
But that said...
![]() |
5 day 15 minute chart |
You can see with $WPCS that during the major climb on Friday the candles were above the 20 and the 20 above the 200. Unfortunetly that all changed on Monday were the 20 crossed over the 200 and reversed itself. This honestly has me a little worried. They have their stock holder meeting today and there should be news about the Seattle operation sell off as part of that. If that's all good news then we may see buyers taking advantage of the massive dip and the stock rise and break past the $1.00 range... but if not, I may have just stuck capital in a blender.
Either way the freeride rule is in effect until Thursday/Friday.
Here's a couple of the videos I've watched from Oliver Velez.
Monday, July 14, 2014
EOD Update 07-14-14
Entering my positions at the open was a plus for $GLUU which didn't dip and climbed to the EOD with $6.38 a share and giving me a gain of 6.33%. There is more news on the way with their new games and Time Magazine did a nice interview with them today... very bullish till at least the end of the week.
Unfortunately entering at the open with $WPCS didn't work in my favor as there was a huge dip of -19.57%. I'm still holding... not just because of the freeride rule... I still think there is a bullish trend here and we can see it over the $1.00 mark soon. The share holder meeting is tomorrow at 10am.
Unfortunately entering at the open with $WPCS didn't work in my favor as there was a huge dip of -19.57%. I'm still holding... not just because of the freeride rule... I still think there is a bullish trend here and we can see it over the $1.00 mark soon. The share holder meeting is tomorrow at 10am.
Trades #3 & #4: GLUU & WPCS
After monitoring the three stocks over the weekend I've decided to enter positions on two of them.
![]() |
Trade #3 @ $6.00 with 46 shares |
$GLUU saw a massive volume of comments on StockTwits with a lot of positives regarding the two latest game releases. Both of which climbed into the top 20 downloaded games for iPads/iPhone and show a great potential to make the stock rise. I'm feel really good about this momentum trade and look forward to outcome!
$WPCS had a decent amount of comments on StockTwits over the weekend and the pre-market for Monday (at the time of writing this 04:40am) had hit a whopping 53% and looked to have a nice gap up to start the week off. With the SEC filing showing a share holder meeting for this week on the 15th and movement on the sell of their Seattle operation in a smart financial move I'm hoping that the climb will continue throughout the week and allow me to grab some of the gains before it falls.
As a learning exercise I'm watching the activity of $VPLM. I found a press release stating that this Bellevue WA based company had just secured a US Patent. The last time the company issued a press release it climbed a bit and is now sitting at $0.2250 a share. A little too risky for me with it being on a Pink Sheet but I'm interested in watching how the market reacts to the news. Who knows, if it climbs a bit and another bit of news is released I might take a small position on it and ride the bump, but until then I'm just window shopping.
Oliver Velez: Chart Patterns for the Swing Trader
Here's a nice video on Swing Trading. Oliver Velez knows his stuff.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
GLUU - RCPI - WPCS Make the List
I'm busy researching and looking to compile a list of stocks that I can watch Monday for a swing position (Long). If you have a suggestion feel free to email me.
So far I'm looking at $GLUU as a momentum trade. Lots of talk on StockTwits about this one and some really impressive sales going on with their new games. Price is higher than I wanted to find though.
And last but not least, $WPCS, which was a huge gainer on Friday with +60% gains. Naturally a lot of talking on StockTwits after the huge run up and many saying there is more to come. I checked the SEC Filings and found that their shareholder meeting was rescheduled for the 15th and that they are selling off their Seattle branch. This might be a really good momentum trade.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Trades 1 & 2: Loss and Gain
I got out of the $WTSL trade with a loss of $0.11 per share that took a healthy chunk out of my trading capital. Of course the very next day the stock climbed to within my original stop target and I could have limited that loss a bit more. I've left a decent note about the trade and what I think went wrong in the ShareBuilder Progress page.
Then today I jumped in to the opening volatility of $DGLY for trade #2. It was some leftover excitement from the Thursday gains and I was able to get a small bit of the morning gains and get out before the stock began to collapse. Probably a dumb thing to do and I think it was more of an emotional trade since I had just had the loss on trade #1.
Going to focus more on swing trades and look at entering something on Monday or Tuesday.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Looking For Green Today with WTSL
I've been monitoring StockTwits regarding other traders playing $WTSL and I keep seeing other more seasoned traders speaking of the stock being bullish. It seems that they are trading the same pattern I am and I've read two traders now who've mentioned today as the day she climbs out of the pullback.
Supposedly there is going to be a Seeking Alpha article by contributing author "Micro-cap Gem Finder" published today about WTSL being bullish. I doubt it will have the same effect as a press release from Wet Seal Inc's HQ, but most Seeking Alpha articles find there way to the major financial news outlets.
You combine the article with the price and positive closing today.... well folks I just may get the gains I'm waiting for. Better yet, the Freeride rule is lifted today and I can freely trade out either way.
So, about today...
The indexes saw green again and as a result WTSL ended in green as well. In fact, when I took a look at the charts I found that not only did the stock close with a strong position over the 13ema, the percentage chart shows that it traded mostly bullish today. All good news that suggests today is going to be a good day.
Supposedly there is going to be a Seeking Alpha article by contributing author "Micro-cap Gem Finder" published today about WTSL being bullish. I doubt it will have the same effect as a press release from Wet Seal Inc's HQ, but most Seeking Alpha articles find there way to the major financial news outlets.
You combine the article with the price and positive closing today.... well folks I just may get the gains I'm waiting for. Better yet, the Freeride rule is lifted today and I can freely trade out either way.
So, about today...
The indexes saw green again and as a result WTSL ended in green as well. In fact, when I took a look at the charts I found that not only did the stock close with a strong position over the 13ema, the percentage chart shows that it traded mostly bullish today. All good news that suggests today is going to be a good day.
![]() |
Candlestick Chart/Intraday 5 minutes |
Note the large bull candles with buyers taking advantage of the price? Could this be swing traders prepping for today?
![]() |
Percentage Chart/Intraday 5 minutes |
Note the strong bullish open to half day? Large bullish spike at end over the 13ema?
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Why I'm Still Optimistic About WTSL
Since my position with $WTSL is in a race between the Freeride rule time limit and the market allowing the FOUS Revival Pattern to do its thing, I thought I'd take a closer look at the intraday chart for my position. I found something encouraging at the end of day marker.
From left to right. You'll first see that as the market opened and investors saw that the indexes where remaining in the red my position saw a quick sell off as people dumped what profits they had from last week or cut their losses like I would have done. Then from noon to 3:40ish the stock went sideways and consolidated. There was a slight dip and an increase in volume, but the last ten minutes of the day went bullish and for a time went over the 13ema before closing just below it.
It could be nothing, but to me it looks like the price was right for many buyers who are banking on the stock reversing and resuming the climb in the next day or two.
Tomorrow and Thursday are going to be interesting to say the least. I should be clear of the freeride rule by Friday so I'm hoping that it'll go green again and keep me in.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Day Two Still Red 07-08-14
Day two found all three indexes still in the red and naturally $WTSL stayed there too and dropped to $0.91 cents. Unfortunately that is bellow my $0.08 stopping point so I should be pulling out and licking my wounds. If this drop had taken place later in the week I would have too, but since I sold 3 positions in the account and bought this one... if I were to get out now it would violate the "Freeride" rule and cause some issues with my account... which will hurt me more in the long run.
So, here I sit on this position biting my nails @ $0.02 bellow my stop. One of two things will take place in the next week as I wait out the "Freeride" rule. WTSL will continue to drop and the pattern I saw was a false or she will get back on track and climb like the FOUS Revival Pattern suggests...
Stock trading is always a 50/50 chance but the pattern leans Bullish.
So, here I sit on this position biting my nails @ $0.02 bellow my stop. One of two things will take place in the next week as I wait out the "Freeride" rule. WTSL will continue to drop and the pattern I saw was a false or she will get back on track and climb like the FOUS Revival Pattern suggests...
Stock trading is always a 50/50 chance but the pattern leans Bullish.
Day One Seeing Red: No Worries
I was really hoping for my first day trading real money to be in the green... nothing like a boost to get you pumped... but the market is liquid and never 100% predictable. All three major indexes were in the red today S&P500, Dow, and Nasdaq and it didn't surprise me to see my first pick ($WTSL) following the trend.
The only thing I regret is not waiting and getting in at $0.98 instead of $1.01 that extra 3 cents a share would have made for a nice extra profit when this thing climbs.
I still think it will reach the $1.45 range before I get completely out. $1.21 or 20% is my profit target but if it still looks like a strong bear at that point I"ll continue to hold with a trailing 8 cent stop and we'll see how far she can go.
Now I just have the hard part... waiting... ugh.
The only thing I regret is not waiting and getting in at $0.98 instead of $1.01 that extra 3 cents a share would have made for a nice extra profit when this thing climbs.
I still think it will reach the $1.45 range before I get completely out. $1.21 or 20% is my profit target but if it still looks like a strong bear at that point I"ll continue to hold with a trailing 8 cent stop and we'll see how far she can go.
Now I just have the hard part... waiting... ugh.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Sick of Being Poor??? Get Off Your Ass and Do Something About It!
Well my friends this is it. I'm on the road to financial freedom and I'm not looking back. Screw living paycheck to paycheck. Screw juggling bills. Screw bill collectors.
Today I'm taking my financial future to a new level one trade at a time.
Follow me and watch it happen!
Bought 525 shares of WTSL @ $1.01
Article Supports Why I'm Long WTSL
Found a nice article while watching the WTSL page on StockTwits. The writer has a lot more experience with trading than me and basically backs everything that made WTSL my first trade.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Words of Wisdom on Growing Small Accounts
Here are a couple of great videos on growing your small trading account. From what I've seen paper trading and learning online, it's tougher to trade a small account than a larger account. There is a small window for mistakes and losses, as well as your fees having a larger impact on your positions volume and profits.
Not going to lie here... a little nervous about Monday and trading with real money.Going to be starting out with Uber small capital and limited by the pattern day trader rule / free ride rule.
Also, there is going to be a couple of changes within the blog too.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Share Builder ROTH IRA $300 Capital
Yep, you read that correctly. After continuing to have issues with paper trading on the Stock Wars app and now the Market Millionaire app I've decided to use the most reliable tool I have at my disposal without spending the money I'm saving to start my SureTrader account.
Several years ago I started a ING Orange account which since has been converted to a ShareBuilder account. I bought into a few index stocks like QQQ, EEM, and GLD to name a few. The account grew to just under $900 with my biggest gainers being BP which I bought right after the stock crashed due to their oil spill, and QQQ that I bought back when it was trading for $95 a share.
There are a couple of pros and cons to this decision.
The cons are the pattern day trader rule that I'll be facing. This forces me to trade carefully, buy in, take profit, then take all out. I'll only be trading with roughly $300 capital while leaving the rest in the account as the original positions. This means that I should really focus on stocks with prices less than $2 a share to maximize my positions volume. I'm not able to touch the funds until retirement age without heavy fines.
The pros are having a reliable platform to learn from. I'm less likely to run into technical issues when using an actual broker to learn from. Sharebuilder has a mobile app that I already have on my iphone. Using compounding trading I can still grow the capital of $300 quickly. Also, anything I grow in my ROTH IRA with not be effected by the same tax rules as other money market accounts.
At some point I will still be starting a SureTrader account, but for now Sharebuilder is my new learning tool.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy 4th of July!!!
Just wanted to say happy 4th of July to those who take the time to follow me on this blog. I created this only a short time ago and already I've learned so much and I feel that I'm nearing the point where I can put real money on the table. I hope you've learn some too.
But learning about penny stocks or the stock market in general just isn't enough. You have to ask yourself "what's your goal?" All of the gurus have said the same thing... if your goal is to make a million dollars overnight you're wrong and doomed to fail. I second that. One of the things Tim Sykes said to me in an email was that if you pick random stocks you'll get random results. That is very true.
Sure you may get lucky and pick that one sub-penny that becomes the next hot business, or you may get in at the bottom of a pump and dump and bail at the top... but if you trade on greed you are more likely going to loose and loose big.
The key is to not trade on greed. Don't expect overnight success. You should take your profits in small wins and cut losses quickly. Compound your trades and scale your account until you start to make real money.
So with that said, what is my goal in all of this...
Financial freedom.
I'm tired of struggling paycheck to paycheck, juggling bills, and stressing about the future.
I'm taking a 3 pronged approach to my goal.
But learning about penny stocks or the stock market in general just isn't enough. You have to ask yourself "what's your goal?" All of the gurus have said the same thing... if your goal is to make a million dollars overnight you're wrong and doomed to fail. I second that. One of the things Tim Sykes said to me in an email was that if you pick random stocks you'll get random results. That is very true.
Sure you may get lucky and pick that one sub-penny that becomes the next hot business, or you may get in at the bottom of a pump and dump and bail at the top... but if you trade on greed you are more likely going to loose and loose big.
The key is to not trade on greed. Don't expect overnight success. You should take your profits in small wins and cut losses quickly. Compound your trades and scale your account until you start to make real money.
So with that said, what is my goal in all of this...
Financial freedom.
I'm tired of struggling paycheck to paycheck, juggling bills, and stressing about the future.
I'm taking a 3 pronged approach to my goal.
Trading. Saving. Entrepreneurship
I'm celebrating my future independence from financial hardship and I'm announcing the official opening of my business, Blurbeo.
If you would like a custom whiteboard video for your business, church, cause, or book please visit Blurbeo.com and see what I can do for you!
Road to $10,000.00 Profits Per Trade
So just for fun I thought I would crunch some numbers and see what the "ROUGH" number of trades would be needed to reach a point of making $10,000.00 per trade.
To reach this hypothetical golden point I assumed that I would start with a $200 trade and that I'd be compounding the trade... so adding the last trade's gains to the next trade (& lets say the stock is always $1 per share to make thing easy). Most of guru's like Tim Sykes and Cameron Fous are shooting for a 10% gain and then taking profits from there and up, but to be conservative I'm going to say that I take profits at 6% every time.
Also to make things easy I'm not factoring in trade fees... remember this is a super rough estimate just for fun.
To reach this hypothetical golden point I assumed that I would start with a $200 trade and that I'd be compounding the trade... so adding the last trade's gains to the next trade (& lets say the stock is always $1 per share to make thing easy). Most of guru's like Tim Sykes and Cameron Fous are shooting for a 10% gain and then taking profits from there and up, but to be conservative I'm going to say that I take profits at 6% every time.
Also to make things easy I'm not factoring in trade fees... remember this is a super rough estimate just for fun.
- Around my 95th trade I'd reach the $25,000.00 mark and become free of the pattern day trader rule.
- Around my 120th trade my trade power would reach $100,000.00
- Around my 130th trade I could scale down and make $10,000.00 per trade if I made 6%
That means if I were using a service like SureTrader to avoid the pattern day trader rule from the get go, I could... in theory... make $10,000.00 per trade in half a year or less. Crazy!
Of course I am a realist and know that this is not the likely outcome. It would most likely take longer to reach this point... but I know it can be done.
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