Welcome to my blog!

I've worn many hats during my entrepreneurial journey, including writing and creating whiteboard videos, marketing, investor relations (Blurbeo), owning and managing my own vapor pen brand (TouchESubject), servicing the real estate market and other clients as the CEO of Puget Sound Field Inspections, founded CLV Investments LLC, and currently holding a position with Byte Me LLC as a Digital Marketing Consultant.

This blog was originally started as a way for me to track my progress in trading stocks, but it's has since morphed into much more. I now use it as a window into what I'm doing to reach my goal of financial freedom. You're going to see what I'm doing to create multiple streams of income, articles and interviews that are business related or featuring other entrepreneurs, and most importantly you're going to get to know me and hopefully I can inspire you to pursue your own dreams

I'm a very driven individual with a passion for customer service and improving our communities.

Please feel free to connect. I'd love to do business with you.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pumpers, pumpers, pumpers

Here's a great example of why everyone should be careful when looking into pennies. One of the several promotion email lists I'm on (PennyStockProphet) just sent out an email about $DPSM urging people to "research" the stock for today's session. While one may see a gain if they ride the pump early and get out, the risk is high. I've never traded anything on the lists I get, but may short them at some point in the future.

Oh yeah... check out part of their disclaimer!

$16,500.00 to pump a stock? I'm in the wrong business haha.

"Disclaimer: (Please Read)
PennyStockProphet.com (PSP) is engaged in the business of marketing and advertising companies.  All content in this communication is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. 
Never invest in any stock featured on the PSP website or email alerts unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. Many of the s t o c k s featured are highly speculative.  PennyStockProphet has been compensated Sixteen Thousand-Five-Hundred Dollars by a third party Stockchat LLC, for this profile coverage of 3D Pioneer Systems Inc (DPSM).  We do not own any shares of DPSM."

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